Useful Knowledge Shared For Fasten Bolts And Nuts

Fasteners are used annually in different manufacturing industries such as automotive, construction, transportation, mining, and heavy equipment.

Fasteners are used annually in different manufacturing industries such as automotive, construction, transportation, mining, and heavy equipment. Custom fasteners are a vital tool in the assembly process as they are used to fasten screws bolts and nuts that keep different parts of a product intact.

Right amount of torque on the bolts and nuts

Getting the right amount of torque on the bolts and nuts of a product, say a car, is very crucial, as it adds to the overall safety and quality. When manufacturers are selling their products, they need to make sure that the right value of torque is applied to the bolts and nuts when they are clamping different parts together.

Torque is the twisting force that causes the bolts and screws to rotate and is measured by force applied on the custom fasteners, multiplied by the length of the fastener. Achieving the correct torque is essential to the assembly of any machine that utilizes screws and bolts. When using custom fasteners, it is important not to over-tighten the bolts by applying excess torque as this will make them loose in the long run, or cause them to crack. You should also not apply too little torque to the bolts and screws as they become loose and fall off.

Today, manufacturers have more fastener options such as torque wrenches, micro fasteners, and captive fasteners. Additionally, screw manufacturers have also added to the screw options by improving captive screws, micro screws, and miniature screws. Matching these different screws to their customized fasteners makes the assembly process for different engineering products more effective, as it is easy to tell the right amount of torque required.

Reasons why you should use the right amount of torque for bolts, screws, and nuts.

1. Preserves the Quality of Bolts, Nuts, and Fasteners

When you use excess torque when fastening bolts and nuts, you run the risk of stretching, bending, or even cracking the bolt. As you apply more torque force than required, you overstress the bolt, and this makes it lose grip and fall off. Resultantly, the bolt or nut is rendered useless and cannot be used on any other part. Considering you have a long line of assembly, using the wrong custom fasteners will result in massive losses.

Additionally, excess torque force also damages the fasteners. If, for instance, you habitually use the wrong torque wrench and apply excessive force when tightening a bolt, the wrench will also lose its grip because of the excessive friction produced.

2. Enhances security and performance

For instance, if you manufacture cars, you need to ensure that all the bolts and nuts for the wheels, engines, and other body parts are properly fitted. Especially for fast-speed cars, you must ensure that the wheels are fitted with the right bolts and nuts and that the right amount of torque is applied when fastening them. The last thing you want is a bolt spinning off while the car is at high speed, as this would result in a catastrophic accident.

Ultimately, if any of your products have parts that are clamped together with screws, bolts, and nuts, you need to invest in custom fasteners so that you can avoid applying excessive or insufficient torque. However, keeping tabs on the different fastener and screw options may prove to be overwhelming. Luckily, you can seek professional help from screw specialists near you so that you get maximum utility from custom fasteners, screws, bolts, and nuts.

Why choosing stainless steel is your fastener raw material

Stainless Steel is a Soft Metal

Stainless steel material is considered a soft metal, and as such isn’t recommended for high load uses that require a great deal of strength. However, because stainless steel screws and fasteners are available in different grades, it is possible to find stainless steel options that are stronger. Grade 410 stainless steel, for example, is a variation that offers a higher strength yield.


While stainless steel screws and fasteners are highly corrosion-resistant, they can still corrode under the right circumstances. Stainless steel grades, 305 and 304 are examples that have a variety of their own benefits, but when exposed to high levels of salt and humidity can still experience corrosion over time. For applications near beach-like conditions, grade 316 is recommended.


Stainless steel is not magnetic and as such is not a good candidate where magnetism is needed. However, if the goal is to create something with no magnetic pull or interference, stainless still is something to consider.

Self Repairing Layer

Stainless steel screw and fastener options have an oxide coating that helps protect from external environmental factors. This is one of the main contributing factors that makes it so good at withstanding corrosion. As long as the steel is in an environment rich in oxygen, any damage to the metal will cause the oxide layer to begin to reform and re-protect the damaged area.

Reactions with Aluminium

Stainless steel and aluminum don’t get along. Because one is positively charged and the other negatively charged, these metals, if introduced with an electrode — such as saltwater — galvanic corrosion will occur and ruin the integrity of the materials. To avoid this happening, utilize a barrier between the two materials or simply forgo the use of one entirely.

Stainless steel can be an excellent option for custom screws and fasteners, but only if you fully understand the limitations and conditions in which it will be used. If you are looking for the best custom screws and custom fasteners, reach out to a manufacturer and discuss your options. They will be able to help you decide if stainless steel is the best option for you.


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