What is a riddle? How is a riddle different from a proverb?

In the riddle there are subjects associated with the correct answer - so this is what distinguishes the riddle from other generalized questions.

What is a riddle? How is a riddle different from a proverb?


A riddle can be defined as an intricate question expressed usually in the form of a metaphor.


A proverb and a riddle are different in that a riddle needs to be guessed, while a proverb is a teaching. This special literature of "questions and answers" embraces a mass of works of all ages and peoples, and in Indian poetry, and in the "Edda" and "Kalevala" there are repetitions of the same motif. The Russian and other Slavonic songs with riddles are generally close to the cycle of legends about the "wise maiden" and tend to prove that the bride is not stupider than the groom. Alexandrov L. G. On the possibility of philosophical-cosmological interpretation of the riddles of Dante's "Purgatory" // Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk University.


In the riddle there are subjects associated with the correct answer - so this is what distinguishes the riddle from other generalized questions. If you turn to textbooks like Wiki, you get the dry law that the riddle is some expression out there that riddles one thing through another and develops logic and thinking, etc. There is a proverb: "the answer is always older than the question." Such a concept as "riddle" has been known to many since childhood.


Do you like to solve riddles? On site 230 there are a lot of riddles on different subjects https://riddlesbest.com/category/stupid-riddles/

anna alex

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