What is activated carbon actually doing for your body?

What is activated carbon actually doing for your body?

First, it’s important to understand the science behind activated charcoal and the reason for its wide range of uses. Activated charcoal is very different from the coal used to heat our grills and to electrify our power grid, which is toxic when ingested. granular activated carbon media Activated charcoal, typically made from charred coconut husks, is created with oxygen-absent burning and is then exposed to gases that allow the substance to become more porous. In short, the charcoal becomes “activated.”


In its activated form, charcoal offers an adsorption (not to be mistaken for absorption) property. Unlike absorption, which is the process of soaking up elements, activated charcoal creates a chemical reaction that binds toxins and other chemicals to it, isolating and removing these health-affecting particles from the bloodstream. The result is reflected in a number of different ways.


For starters, ingesting activated charcoal has been linked to a reduction of bloat. Let’s be honest. Sometimes gas build-up can be a bit uncomfortable, but introducing this ingredient to your gut can generate some relief. Through its adsorption process, it will actually bind the gases causing discomfort and carry them out of your body.


Additionally, activated charcoal may promote a healthy digestive tract through adsorption of certain toxins that you may encounter on a daily basis. Pesticides from the foods you eat, chemicals in the liquids you drink, or any number of unwanted substances that you unintentionally ingest on a daily basis can be collected by activated charcoal and removed from your body safely.


But if you thought that this treatment could only benefit your body’s digestion, you’d be very wrong! It’s no secret that age will have its effects on our bodies externally, as well as internally, and activated charcoal can be an excellent remedy for whatever toll time may take. Many people apply yrdcarbon activated charcoal topically to treat acne, bug bites, or even rashes on the skin because its adsorbing properties can protect cells from damage. Of course, this protection can extend to organ cells. In the same way that activated charcoal carries toxins from the digestive tract, it can remove them from major organs such as the kidneys and liver, potentially extending their healthy function.



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