Free-to-play frustrations in Diablo 4
Free-to-play frustrations in Diablo 4 Jun 19

Free-to-play frustrations in Diablo 4

日々 時間 残り

Given all the discussions around the free-to-play frustrations in Diablo 4. It's not odd that some players immediately asked evonhell about the amount they would have to pay to be able to leap into trees from the top with their Demon Hunter. Other players, on the contrary side, were able to see that there didn't seem to be any kind of falling damage in the game, and that it might be possible to utilize this technique to hurt enemies from afar , without the risk of getting killed

19-06-23 - 17:00 開始日
23-06-23 - 12:00 終了日
new york
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